points to consider to avoid account blockage and blacklisting

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sending emails

Email Sending is an art and for better results and to avoid our email sending strategy to fail, we need to understand the nitty-gritty of the factors affecting the reputation of an Email sender.

Following Points should be considered and kept in mind to avoid account Blockage & Blacklisting and Increase the positive results of our Email sending

1. Email to be sent to Subscribed User only.

2. Hard bounce ratio should not exceed 5% of the total subscriber count.

3. Spam Complaint ratio should not exceed 0.1% of the total subscriber count.

4. Email data should not be a purchased list

5. Email Subscriber List should not change frequently

6. "Sender address domain" should not contain any blacklisted domain or a domain pointed to blacklisted IP. To verify check the domain blacklist status at mxtoolbox.com

7. Content should not contain any link containing any blacklisted domain or a domain pointed to blacklisted IP. To verify check the domain blacklist status at mxtoolbox.com

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