Email Communication Partner

Collect, Connect &

Using Email Automation

Choose Emailidea as your prefered Email Communication Partner.

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How Does It Work?

  • Emailidea, one of the best transactional email services, is a solution for the bulk email needs of any organization which can be used for various purposes ranging from marketing to information spreading and more. As an Email Solution Provider it plays various roles as below.

Using our transactional email service user can upload their contact list with complete details and even they can add new fields, Emailidea stores these contacts for your campaigns and you can select these groups or partial contacts from the list for the campaigns. Emailidea also analyses the subscriber’s behaviour based on your campaign interactions and their actions to understand and segment your contacts into various categories for future strategies.

Bounce is a real headache when it comes to maintaining reputation and sending bulk emails for marketing purposes. Our transactional email service collects information of all the emails that bounces from the campaigns and automates the bounce handling by removing dead email IDs and also the email ids which frequently bounces. This helps a lot in maintaining the reputation of our IP’s, Domains and also the clients account reputation if he is sending emails repetitively to the same list.

For any company the biggest problem arises when their subscriber list grows and the quantity of email being sent increases. The problems organisation faces is with managing the contact list, ensuring speed of email delivery, sending to a large base, reputation management and much more.

By deeply analysing the contents, contact list and sending patterns Emailidea automates the reputation management and identifies spammers in our system, and blocks them from using our system which can hinder the reputation of our IP’s and domains and also the spoil the service qualities for the genuine users. This is very important to maintain the reputation of a transactional email service. Also by using Multiple IP’s and domain in the sending process the chances of blacklisting are reduced and ensuring clean traffic from our system helps us in maintaining Emailidea’s as well as its clients reputation to ensure higher Inbox deliveries of their emails.

The user can create and save templates using our email template generator in your account which you can use again. Our email template generator provides easy drop and drop template creation and mobile-friendly template.

Emailidea provides connectivity like API and SMTP which can be integrated into any application by the Developers.

Emailidea has various tools through which it analyses various actions and reactions and uses it to enhance and improvise on the service qualities and also help the client to understand the campaign behaviours and help them strategies their sending.
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