Email Communication Partner

Collect, Connect &

Using Email Automation

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Exquisite Features Of Our
Email Marketing Agency

Emailidea, Since 2008, has been a leading bulk email marketing company in India, consistently optimizing it's services and offerings.

We provide the right solutions for your sending promotional and transactional email needs.

In Process Email Campaign Management.

You can start or stop the email campaign while an email campaign is still in process of being sent. This helps you to stop or pause and email campaigns that you might have sent by mistake customers, right from start-ups to leading MNC’s.

Detailed analytics of your campaigns.

We’re providing various reports such as View report, Bounce report, Spam report, Link Click report. View report states information about the total number of the viewer to your campaign. Bounce report shows failing list of emails due to hard bounce and soft bounce. Spam report includes the number of users who have registered complain of spam against your email. Link Click report states how many users have clicked on your link in your campaign. It shows interaction level of the subscriber.

Spam List /Unsubscribe List Management / Soft & Hard Bounce handling

Spam List: we’re providing “Report as Spam” link at the end email if a subscriber wants to report and that list is generated in our report. Unsubscribe List: Same as spam link we’ve “Unsubscribe” link for the consumers. You can see the data of people who have unsubscribed you. Soft Bounce: It states that email does not reach to the recipient and bounce back before it gets delivered. Hard Bounce: It happens when recipient’s email address is invalid. We provide both the reports for your convenience. These features help you to prune your list and target only interested users. Automation or AI of our site removes emails which are on these lists.

Contact List Management

We’re providing contact list management in which you can manage group as well as contact according to your choice. You can remove contacts which are not generating leads while doing a responsive email campaign. Other features like adding a single contact, multiple contacts and upload MS excel or Google sheet to your account are available.

Easy to use Campaign Manager

It is one of the main features of our email marketing agency to provide an easy 4 steps campaign manager to start an email campaign. Setup the Campaign Details, Design email, Add Contacts, Send, and you are done.

Drag & Drop Editor

Even the naive person can now design the Email Template with our Simple to Use Email Editor and responsive email template generator. It is an inbuilt tool which changes design according to your responsive template.

Email Personalization

With this tool, you can customize email for your customers. Personalized emails are more likely to be opened and clicked if sent at right time to right people using right content. You don’t have to write every time same type of content, personalization offers an extra hand to your creation.

SMTP & API Integration for Email Automation Innovation: The Emailidea Story.

Our company integrates the services with your application to automate your process with our easy to integrate API's and SMTP. Integration can be done with the application like .NET Framework or Salesforce application.

Template Management / Newsletter Builder

You can create your own templates and news- letters in emailidea and save it if you’re going to use it again and again. You can also make responsive email in template management. It provides inbuilt personalization tool for better enhancement.

Inbuilt Email Template

You can use inbuilt templates which includes image, title, table and two column format after sign up on our website. It will boost salesforce.

DKIM, SPF, DMARC authentication

We’re providing these tools to verify that the sender domain is genuine and have been validated by our server to send an email on behalf of our client. We are securing your email to be genuine so, the response rate from your consumer increases.

Some of our features

View report/ Bounce report / Spam report / Link Click report
SMTP & API Integration for Email Automation
Template Management / Newsletter Builder
Drag & Drop Editor
Spam List /Unsubscribe List Management / Soft & Hard Bounce handling
DKIM, SPF, DMARC authentication
Easy to use Campaign Manager
In Process Email Campaign Management
Inbuilt Email Templater
Email Personalisation
Contact List Management
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