What is Bulk Email Service? How It Works?

2/25/2022 3:57:06 PM
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A digitized user-friendly and Versatile service.

What is Bulk Email Service?

Bulk email service offers sending the tremendous amount of email message at an instance. Everybody is familiar with a fact that an email is capable of sending the text message along with the graphical items such as picture, audio or video as an attachment. Indeed, our bulk email service is web-based software, especially formulated in order to take sending and receiving process to a next level.The bulk email service maximizes user’ssending competency by virtue of which a message can be sent to multiple email address recipients, at a time. After all, we are dealing conversation between the sender and the recipient in regard to timeliness of operations.

Working of bulk email

It is the bulk email message sending tool that uses a computer system, an email address, Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) and an internet connection, allows the user to share desired marketing and promotional content targeting a huge group of people. Once a user has opened our website emailidea.biz and input credentials, attach a mailing list containing various email addresses at which user-defined content shall have to be sent. From here, the mail transfer agent takes the charge to deliver the email address to its appropriate destination. If an email message is found undelivered, email service provider prompts us with a specific reason why it had happened henceforth we inform it back to the user as a reported message.

Ensuring inbox delivery of the email

The first and foremost way to ensure inbox delivery of the email is

  • Authenticity: Ensure that sender’s name, domain, and Associated IP is genuine with no blacklisting. (You can check the same on www.mxtootbox.com and IP (internet protocol)
  • Credibility: Credibility is built over a time, which requires patience and practices, which builds the credit score. At Emailidea, we take care of the credibility by warming up the IP’s and giving you a kick-start for your email campaigns. All you have to ensure is that your email list is sourced in a genuine way and you maintain the interest of the recipient with your content.
  • Effective Communication Strategy: Nowadays people are overburden with overflow of communication and marketing materials from various channels of communication. Therefore, it is very important that the communication that you are sending to the intended user is a value addition; otherwise, they will either unsubscribe or report your communication as SPAM. So content strategy is of utmost importance for better deliveries.
  • Contact Management: Selecting, Sorting, Segmenting, and profiling of contact is important to ensure you personalize your contacts with the effecting communication. List cleaning is also very important, which involves removal of Bad Email ids, Inactive Email ids, unsubscribed contacts, etc. Email idea’s contact tool takes half of your load to maintain the hygiene of your list, by auto cleaning bad email IDs, unsubscribed and complaining email IDs.

Possibility of email to get in spam

  • Over Speeding: In most cases, bulk email service provides rapid delivery of the email messages to thousands of clients with just a click. Of course,we are talking about sending email as much as we want (and not as much as email provider gives the allowance to do).
  • Spam Reporting by Users: Besides, the existing users leaves no chance and enjoys the freedom to report the incoming email as spam, considering the fact that specific mail quite irrelevant and should not be present in their mailbox. Who knows the users are smart enough to differentiate between ‘essentials vs. excess’ and want to have a clutter-free inbox.
  • User Behavior tracking by ESP: Even the mail service provider checks the frequency of emails being sent specifically from a particular IP Address.It keeps a track record of sender email id when it was used to deliver an email message. More the number of times email address brings in to usages,greater the chance of the email to get into the spam folder.
  • Blacklisting by Agencies: There are various sender agencies who have maintained a thorough record of spam mailing list due to which if an email service provider sees that a particular email address is listed there then it could prohibit the delivery of your email.

Warm-up Process by Email, How it Works?

Warm up process is an art and the first and most important step for Building Credibility and Reputation. Better, the sender reputation better will be the email delivery.

Emailidea with an experience in the communication industry has mastered the art of building the reputation and credit score, which helps the Marketers to focus on their campaigns and results and leave the heavy lifting to us. We take care of the Reputation building for which we have our own algorithms so that the ESP’s increase the sending limits for the campaigns. A warm-process simply could be termed as practice of preloading the required characteristics through an activity before the accomplishing the actual task. The process of warm-up is kept under a designated time interval till it reaches a point when it is no longer required and we do process the sending of email in bulk recipient email addresses efficiently.


As far as our bulk email service is concerned, it benefits to every business organization that has been looking in need for a time-saving tool which is capable enough to send an email message in bulk at a specified time. It is optimized to such an extent that it automatically limits the message from being reported as spammed, allows the greater reachability of the essential (text, pictures, audio, video as an attachment) message, and helps a business organization to generate awareness of the known brand among the unknown customer base as well. Just a single click, you are good to go in bringing up the attention of the customer with respect to brand recognition. Isn’t that amazing? Of course, it is. Yeah! 

Want to market the product or to share any kind of information regarding the service update when you have multiple recipients to cover, all at once. How would you proceed? Well, the more you send, Always the less it seems to be (because you might have just attained the maximum sending limit).

OH! Wait. Not anymore. Why not give a try to experience our in-house designed bulk email service, could take up your message delivery characteristics the moment you get into it. Click on emailidea.biz for further information.

Ready to start sending?
Free to get started. Free to send.