Statistics on Email Marketing Campaigns

8/2/2024 2:49:14 PM
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Before delving into the minutia of email marketing numbers, let’s briefly check out the biggest trends and insights drawn from our research. Here are some figures to indicate that this was once a potent advertising medium, and it remains so:

  • In 2020, marketing via emails had a market size of $7.5 billion expected to exceed $12bn by the end of 2024.
  • Of all marketers, 41% say they use emails most effectively.
  • In the last 12 months, 77% of marketers have experienced rising email engagement levels.
  • An estimated 81% by small and medium-sized business professionals believe that e-mail campaigns enhance customer retention while acquiring new ones.

Email Marketing Industry Standards

Now let’s see how email marketing benchmarks vary from one industry to another


  • Open Rate: 41.56%
  • Click Rate: 2.42%
  • Bounce Rate: 8.89%

Dining & Food Services

  • Open Rate: 35.05%
  • Click Rate: 0.88%
  • Bounce Rate: 8.18%

Real Estate

  • Open Rate: 36.00%
  • Click Rate: 1.41%
  • Bounce Rate: 13.85%


  • Open Rate: 35.65%
  • Click Rate: 1.23%
  • Bounce Rate: 8.48%

Technological Services

  • Open Rate: 24.28%
  • Click Rate: 3.30%
  • Bounce Rate: 9.82%

Average Click Rate for Email Marketing

The Average Click Rate for Email Marketing Indeed, after someone opens your email, the next thing to do is to click on a link inside. Since you can measure how well your email campaign is working by its click-through rates (among other things), they are an important component of data analysis.

Statistics about Click-Through Rates 

Your email’s click-through rate indicates how many individuals clicked one of its links. If you are serious about link clicks, here are some statistics:

  • The internet marketing sector has the lowest average click-through rate (CTR) of only 1.68%.
  • In Communications, however, the average CTR is highest at 5.77%.
  • From 1.68% in March and April of 2020 to 2.78%, the CTRs of promotional mails in the food and beverage industries rose while in travel, hospitality and leisure they dropped from 1.44% in March to 1.31% in April.
  • Emails that contain invoices and payment links had a CTR of 25.7%, making them the most clicked on messages over time than any other kind of emails where as those containing blog resources had only 6.7%. The CTRs attained by both links to offer and links for polls were 2.8% each.

Email Marketing ROI Statistics in 2024 

The first email campaign ever sent was done back in 1978, which yielded sales worth 13 million dollars. Ever since then, firms have been riding the email marketing revenue and returns wave. Here are some numbers and statistics:

  • Email advertising usually brings around $36 for each dollar spent.
  • 18% of firms generate $70 from every $1 spent.
  • 59% of promoters have a belief that email use is twice as effective for generating leads as other channels such as social media and PPC.
  • Email marketing attracts 40 times more customers than combined Meta &

What is Email Marketing’s Average ROI?

The financial dimension of email marketing campaigns is often vividly expressed through ROI. It serves as one of the vital email marketing metrics to analyze because email ROI clearly depicts how beneficial these campaigns are. While overall average Email marketing ROI is relatively high due to it being an efficient way for companies to sell their products or services via email, average marketing ROI by industry strictly varies:

Email conversion rate Statistics

As much as open rates, click-through rates and reading time matter, at the end of the day all marketers want are conversions. Let’s take a look at what some data insights say about it:

  • In 2021 the average email conversion click-through ratio was 15.2%. In 2018 it peaked at over 18.4% but has been decreasing slightly afterwards.
  • Abandoned cart emails yield 3 times higher conversion rates than other types of automated emails.

 With Sender, you can attain such figures; it’s simple and inexpensive too.

Info on e-mail Segmentation 

Segmentation is essential for determining the success of an email marketing campaign. You will see why this assessment can be helpful: 

  • Segmented email campaigns lead to 30% increase in opens and 50% rise in click-through rates as opposed to unsegment ones.
  • 78% of marketers state that segmenting subscribers is the most effective approach when it comes to their email marketing campaigns.
  • 80% of email marketers customize subscriber profile information while 64% segment customers.

Information on Email Automation 

In Bulk What sliced loaves are to bread, that is email automation to email marketing. Right messages, to the right people, at the right moments-in-time, every time; email automation makes this happen. So let’s see how those statistics support its benefits:

  • 87% of B2C marketers utilize automation techniques within their emailing strategies.
  • It is mainly used for sending triggered emails, drip or nurture campaigns, and segmenting.
  • Email automation campaigns (71%) rank third after subscriber segmentation (78%) and message personalization (72%) as an effective email marketing strategy.
  • 48% of marketers mentioned that they will consider applying automating emails in campaigns related to them.
  • Among different types of emails sent out by businesses there are three sorts; automated ones are in second place after transactional ones regarding unique open rates (41%), click rates (13) % and click to open rates (24%).

Statistics on Email Design and Content

Email is still one of the most favourite means of distributing content to the masses. This is chiefly because it is easily accessible, facilitates direct communication with the audience, provides personalized messages and has traceable metrics monitoring engagement and effectiveness.

Still think we are lying? These are figures taken from true data interpretation:

  • 87% of Marketers prefer using E-mail marketing for promoting their contents.
  • Personalized emails can lead to an increase in clicks by 28.57% (2.7% with tailored content compared to 2.1% without).
  • In the last 12 months, email was the third most used owned media platform by B2B marketers for distributing their contents.
  • The most used form of B2B content marketing is e-mail newsletters according to 81% of marketers.
  • Intriguing subject lines that include an offer you can’t refuse are most effective.

Email Frequency Statistics 

The number of emails sent is just as crucial to your email marketing success as the type of emails sent. This is how it works (as shown by survey results): 

  • Consumers prefer receiving emails from their favourite brands only a few times per month.
  • 54% of brands choose to send 2-4 emails per month, while 32% do it once every month. Emails are also sent by fewer brands between 5-9 times per month (8%) or more frequently (6%). Interestingly, the highest open rate was observed for sending emails once a month at 28% followed closely afterwards by 2-4 emails in a month.
  • In some studies in the B2C sector it is suggested to experiment with frequencies as high as 10-19 times within one month in order to generate higher sales though this may not apply to all audiences. On the other hand, many companies in B2B communications consider the opinion that emailing twice a month is optimal because increasing the frequency beyond that makes unsubscribing rates increase significantly.

Email Marketing: Open and Click Rates 

In email marketing campaigns, one of the main metrics is “how many people will open the email?” Luckily, we have some insights.

Here are the latest statistics that tell you a lot about open rates and click-through rates for top-of-the-funnel emails: 

  • 47% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone, and 69% of email recipients report email as spam based solely on the subject line.
  • The open rate for emails with preheaders is 32.95%, while that for personalized emails is only 30.96%.
  • In terms of unique open rates (41%), click rates (13%), and click-to-open rates (24%), automated emails come second after transactional emails among the three types of email.

Email Deliverability Statistics

One out of every seven email campaigns doesn’t land in the inbox, resulting to need for strategic email practices in order to increase deliveries. Below are some figures that could force you to rethink your email delivery rates: 

  • In 2023, an average of 85.7% was the deliverability rate.
  • 61% of marketers find it challenging to improve their email deliverability rates.
  • 14.3% emails never reach the intended inbox. Spam folder gets 6.3% while 8% are attack emails.
  • North America leads the globe with this 87.9% deliverability rate.
  • UK and Australia have top country-wise data with deliverability rates as high as 98.8% and 98.7%, respectively.

Various Categories of Email Messages Sent by Marketers

With email marketing, you can connect with numerous groups of individuals, entice them and gain considerable returns on investment. The following information demonstrates this:

  • A big portion of marketers {81 %} use newsletters as a form of an email.
  • Likewise are welcome emails at 79 %.
  • Product-specific emails highlighting definite goods or aspects encompass 75 %.
  • Promotional and sales emails constitute 72% of the total number sent by marketers.
  • 71 % of marketers send event announcements.
  • On boarding/procurement emails are utilized by 62% of names and marketers.

Also included are customer win backs, blogs, re-engagement and cart abandonment letters among others throughout the consumer’s life cycle. 

Statistics on Email Engagement 

The effectiveness of email marketing in targeting various audiences, capturing their interest and generating good returns on investment is undeniable. These statistics illustrate this point: 

  • Average email deliverability is at 81%, with abandoned cart emails converting 3 times more than other automated emails.
  • Mobile devices account for 43.5% of all email opens.
  • Personalization improves email open rates: emails with personalized subject lines see a 20.66% open rate compared to 19.57% for non-personalized ones.
  • The average open rate across various industries shows variation, with faith-based organizations leading at 44.11% and technology services at the lower end with 18.34%.

Statistics on Email User Behaviour

What trends exist when it comes to subscribers and how do they read and respond to emails? Here are several answers. Consider examining the following data sets that outline daily subscriber engagement practices: 

  • 61 % of all emails are viewed for eight seconds or longer, while 23.5 % of all emails are skimmed (an involvement of just 2-8 seconds) and fifteen percent get attention from their readers below two seconds.
  • 38 % want product ratings in their email from active users and 35 % expect offers based on previous purchases.
  • 28 % of email users check their inboxes over ten times a day; 4 % do so less than once every day. All things considered,65 % admitted that they checked their inboxes three or more times each day.
  • 67 % of consumers would provide an email address for free shipping or $5 gift card.
  • Boredom is cited as the primary reason for checking emails by over three-quarters (77%) of them.
  • Almost as many people (70%) look at their emails in bed while they wake up.
  • Out of the customers who have subscribed to personalized emails but largely pay no attention to them without unsubscribing, 37% hold out for better deals whereas 24 % say that they intend to buy from the brand again.
  • The time spent reading an average email increased from 10.4 seconds in 2018 up to 13.4 seconds in 2020.
  • The average email bounce rate stood at 2.3% in 2023.

Personalized Email Marketing Statistics

In the world of generalized marketing, personalization is a major trend. The top tactic for email marketers is to use dynamic content in their emails. Here are some statistics on personalized email marketing campaigns that demonstrate what we are talking about: 

  • Message personalization is among the main strategies to enhance emails in terms of optimization.
  • Research shows that personalized emails produce six times higher transaction rates than their non-personalized counterparts.
  • Almost 90% (88%) of users agree they would most probably respond positively towards an email if it seems to have been personally created for them. 
  • Email marketers who segmented their audience before carrying out campaigns reported increases in revenue by as high as 760%. 
  • 55% of marketers mentioned enlarging the use of personalization was their biggest priority for next 12 months. 
  • 80% of customers are likely to buy after experiencing a personalized one.
  • 90% marketers opine on the significance of personalization in their business and marketing strategies.
  • Four out of five marketers base personalization on subscriber profile data while 64% base it on customer segments.

Statistics for Email Marketing in the B2B Category 

In this case, emails serve an invaluable purpose as one of the most effective channels for disseminating content in the B2B sector. Verification methods which are based on big data indicate that: 

  • Media platform for distributing content among B2B marketers on their list of the most held media platform is an email platform in number three.
  • In terms of distributing content, 69% of B2B marketers have used emails within the last twelve months.
  • According to B2B marketers, the fourth most significant metric for assessing B2B content performance is email engagement.
  • The top form of content marketing on which email newsletters rely heavily is subscribed to by no less than 81% of all B2B marketers.
  • 14.3% of worldwide emails either disappear or get trapped in spam traps.
  • According to B2B marketers, the emails concerning announcing new products and features have the highest click-through rate.
  • Email overloads have caused 67% of B2B buyers and consumers begin receiving junk mails only.
  • Building (41%), designing (40%), and testing (39%) are some of the biggest hurdles marketers face when creating an email.

Statistics for Email Marketing in the B2C 

In particular for e-commerce, D2C and any other B2C companies’ emails are perceived as one of the most engaging platforms considering open rates, click rates and conversion rates. Here are some insights: 

  • 87% of B2C marketers use automation as part of their email marketing strategy.
  • Your audience will reward you with higher open and click rates if you don’t send more than five newsletters a week.
  • 60% of retail, ecommerce as well as consumer goods and services firms personalize emails based on past purchases compared to 38% in 2019. 
  • More than 8 in 10 people will open a welcome email, generating 4x as many opens and 10x as many clicks as other types of emails. 
  • 4 out of 5 marketers personalize emails with profile data, while 64% do so by segment. 
  • Almost 21% of all email campaigns get opened within an hour after sending. 
  • 60% of respondents say that marketing emails have influenced their buying decisions. 
  • When creating their emails, 64% of B2C marketers take into account accessibility issues.

Statistics on Email Marketing for Ecommerce 

For you who own an ecommerce shop or are in marketing, these statistics are not only captivating but they also have a significant impact on your operations: 

  • 34% of consumers are more likely to purchase from email advertisements.
  • 59% of individuals would indicate that email marketing influences their purchasing choices.
  • 60% of buyers made a buy due to some marketing email.
  • 51% would want discount offers via email compared to SMS or in-app notifications (push notification).
  • About 62% B2C and B2B marketers increased their budgets for emails in the last year deeming it better than any form including social media (62%) and influencer strategies (50%).
  • An open rate of around 49.89% was recorded for cart abandonment e-mails with an average revenue generation per open as $3.58 (almost double the normal avg revenue generated from all campaigns-$1.91).

Mobile Devices Used in Email Marketing Statistics 

Across the board mobile phones have both outdone desktops regarding the opening of emails. Here are some more engrossing hints: 

  • As at November 2023, Apple has 66.83 % market share as the email client most used around the globe while Gmail is second with 22.82 % market share.
  • 75 % of Gmail accounts are accessed via mobile.
  • Once every three times an email gets clicked it’s done through a cell phone.
  • First thing people do when they wake up in morning is check their emails on phone.
  • Email app for iPhone contributed 29 % towards total number of open emails, while Gmail was ranked second with only 28 percent.

Stats on Email Marketing: Main Points 

41% of marketers say that email works as a marketing channel and you need to consider it while operating your business if you want to survive in this world. Something that will help you to choose the right emails for marketing includes: 

  • Creating interesting content and catchy email subjects which will boost your interaction rates.
  • Using renowned companies offering email marketing services which have been proven to carry out successful delivery.
  • Making use of audience segmentation techniques together with personalized labels in customizing individual emails.
  • Optimizing desktop layout by using responsive templates when coming up with an email marketing campaign.
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